Our fund structure provides a unique position, allowing us to act as a neutral servant for the manufacturing environment

The Foundation is build on a unique model for stewardship of materials and circulation. Global Material & Asset Fond aims to provide stewardship towards materials that are healthy and supports a circular approach.

Safe and abundant materials

Our technology can mark almost any material using more than 300 billion marker codes that allow us to identify single material grades and branded products worldwide. A cloud-based system identifies and clears material for ownership, compliance, availability for rent and syndication for common material platforms in the sharing circular economy … in that way we can enable e.g. CO2 savings of 60-70% and in the same time reduce the cost of raw material with about 30-40% …

Doing Business for good

We believe that a concentrated fast transformation towards a circular system is needed. Systems, including business models, infrastructure and legislation has to be adjusted to support the change. The Global Material & Asset Fond is formed as a commercial and independent legal foundation (body owning itself) based on Danish law frame. The Foundation is independent from common shareholder interest under supervision of the Danish Business Administration. The main strategy is doing business for good. 

Profits for good are used according to the rules of Global Material & Asset Fond: 

1) to own and rent out materials 

2) to drive innovation of materials for healthy and competitive circulation 

3) to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals foundation